Just the Facts

At the July 17, 2021 Board of Directors meeting, the board addressed the acrimony and misinformation in our community. They presented a list of recent hot topics being discussed on social media. All are valid topics to address. However, the tone and tenor, and the intention of some of these posts raises concern.

 If the intention is to make things better, wouldn’t it make more sense to address the comments directly to those who can make a change or give supporting information/clarification? Getting to the heart of the matter would be far more helpful than to “gas-light” topics or people online, thereby offering no help to the community, only acrimony.

 Your board is a group of volunteers who are serious about helping the community and making PML the best place that it can be. They are primarily here to facilitate the business of PML as outlined in our By-laws and CC&Rs. They are available to listen and respond to issues, and use a variety of media to share their perspective and thoughts to the membership. Furthermore, every PML manager has a monthly article in the PML News that offers insight into what they are doing. Members are encouraged to do their due diligence on issues and bring concerns, suggestions and comments to the appropriate parties.

 This “Just the Facts” column is a new communication method to keep our members informed. It will appear monthly in the PML News, and as needed to address current concerns on the official PML Facebook page. We will also maintain and archive here on the official PML website.


7.17.21 Board agenda topic of misinformation in the community

7.17.21 Misinformation text

7.20.21 Just the facts- Maintenance Fire Abatement

7.20.21 Just the Facts- Earthquakes and the PML Dam

7.27.21 Just the Facts- Using Cal Fire for safety inspections

7.27.21 Just the Facts- Weekend Gunshots and Fireworks incident

7.29.21 Just the Facts- Secret ballot count

7.31.21 Just the Facts- Nepotism

7.31.21 Just the Facts- Forensic Audits

8.11.21 Just the Facts- PML Fitness Center Proposal

9.2.21 Just the Facts- Pothole at the entrance to PML

9.17.2021 Just the Facts- Who is responsible for cleaning up burned up homes?

6.13.22 Just the Facts- I like fresh eggs. Can I raise Chickens in PML?