We encourage all PML members to use the on line website below with your PIN to create your guest list or call your guest passes in to the Main Gate ahead of time. Our goal is to quickly and efficiently help your guests get through the Main Gate. If you forget to call in a pass, it is inconvenient for your guests or family members and increases the time they and others will be delayed at the gate while Safety calls to verify authorization of the pass.
Using your PML PIN you can provide the main gate with your guest list by logging onto www.gateaccess.net Use your 10 digit home phone number for your User Name and PMLA as the Community Code. Instructions on how to use gateaccess.net.
Or you can call or fax in your guest list to the Department of Safety immediately. You’ll be asked for the following information:
1) PIN
2) Property Owner’s last name
3) Guests full name
4) Length of guests visit – dates
5) Unit/Lot
Call In: (209) 962-8615
Fax In: (209) 962-6796
If faxing, please include all the above requested information.
Thank you in advance for your support of our Department of Safety staff and have a great holiday!