Pine Mountain Lake Association

2022 Property Owner Survey

The Pine Mountain Lake Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC) and the PML Association (PMLA), who work on your behalf, thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your feedback.

This survey will be used by the PMLA Board of Directors and management to determine where to focus our efforts and to assess how well we are doing in meeting your expectations.


The planned survey timeframe is April 1 to June 30, 2022.  We hope many property owners will respond so that the results represent the feelings of the majority. Spouses or multiple adult property owners may submit separate survey responses.


ALL RESPONSES WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. The summary of results will be posted on the PML website in August/September 2022.  Results will also be presented at the July 2022 PMLA Board of Directors meeting and will be summarized in the PML News.




2022 Property Owner Survey