PMLA Golf Services Members:
Please make your Golf Services selection and submit this signed and completed
form no later than December 26, 2019.
If you sign up after January 31, 2020 your payment will be pro-rated.
Selection of a Golf Service does not guarantee that service is available. Services are distributed first to Members currently using
the Service. After that it is first come, first served basis. Payment in full must be made for Golf Services.
Terms and Conditions
Bag & Pull Cart Storage
1. Bag Storage is for your golf bag only. All items or equipment must be stored inside your golf bag. No loose clubs,
shoes, umbrellas, golf buddies, shag bags, etc. may be stored.
2. Pull Cart Storage is for your pull cart only. No loose clubs, shoes, umbrellas, golf buddies, shag bags, batteries, etc.
may be stored.
Locker Rental
1. Attaching anything (by any means, i.e., tapping, nailing, gluing, etc.) to the outside or inside of the locker is prohibited.
2. All items are to be stored inside the locker. No items are allowed to be stored on top of the locker.
3. Golf bags and or full sets of clubs are not allowed to be stored in lockers; extra clubs are allowed (up to 4 clubs).
4. No alterations to the locker (inside or outside) are allowed. If additional shelves are added they must not be attached.
5. If there is damage done to the locker by the renter (other than normal wear and tear), PMLA will repair the damage at
the renter’s expense.
One (1) key will be given to the renter, there will be a $3.00 charge for any additional keys. All keys must be returned to
PMLA upon renter’s discontinuance of Locker Rental Service.
By applying for Golf Services I agree to be bound by all Rules and Regulations duly enacted by the PMLA Board of Directors. By signing below
I further verify that I have read and agree to honor the Terms and Conditions stated herein.